Costs of Green Chemistry

"Consumers to Pay the Price for State Environmental Regulations," by Angela Logomasini. Consumers could soon face higher prices, reduced choices and lower-quality products, thanks to a slew of chemical regulations that are advancing in various states. These regulations are unlikely to provide any measurable benefits, and instead would reduce consumers’ access to a myriad of products, from children’s toys and canned food to paint and building materials. These regulations, pushed largely by … [Read more...]

Green Chemistry: NYT Gets It Wrong

"The New York Times Needs Chemistry Lesson (Badly)," By American Council on Science and Health. An op-ed in the November 9 New York Times, entitled “Making Chemistry Green,” by Robert S. Lawrence and Rolf U. Halden could have been entitled “Green in Chemistry.” based on some rather obvious errors. ... “We should regulate chemicals as we understand them: in groups. Instead of regulating one compound at a time..” Bloom: “No: that’s exactly what we should not do. Within classes of chemicals, very … [Read more...]

California Green Chemistry Nightmare Launched

"Great For Lawyers; Terrible For California; A Nightmare For Manufacturers: Introducing 'Green Chemistry,'” by Hugh Hewitt. The road to manufacturing Hell is paved with…well Green Chemistry regulations. Lost amid the intense focus on the CR, the debt limit and various other stories of mayhem and strife, the Golden State officially entered its Green Chemistry era on Tuesday. Read the full post at … [Read more...]

Green Chemistry Nightmare

"Coming To A Theater Near You: California’s “Green Chemistry” Nightmare," by Hugh Hewitt. I should be the last guy complaining. My law partner Liz McNulty and I will spend many a billable hour over the next decade or two advising companies on what to do with the avalanche of regulations about to descend on them courtesy of California’s Department of Toxic Substances. Their “green revolution” nightmare is about to begin, and the only folks who will benefit from it are employed by the … [Read more...]

Bureaucratic Green Chemistry Advances In California

"New Green Rules In California Take Safe Chemicals Out Of Use," By Angela Logomasini If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. That's the approach California bureaucrats are taking to implement the state's 2009-passed "green chemistry" law. Unfortunately, if they do eventually succeed, it could cost consumers and the economy dearly. Read the full article at Investors Business Daily. … [Read more...]

Green Chemistry Quiz

"What Is Green Chemistry?" by Angela Logomasini Washington’s state bureaucrats are soliciting proposals from “public and private sector firms to help create a technically competent and vibrant Green Chemistry Center to help transition towards a greener and more sustainable economy in Washington State.” But what exactly is green chemistry, and is it worth spending $550 million to advance it? Read the full article on … [Read more...]

Rethinking Green Chemistry

"Liberal Lawmakers To Rethink California 'Green Chemistry'” by Angela Logomasini California’s Green Chemistry regulations have proven so unruly even the state’s liberal lawmakers have begun to question the cost. The state legislature passed the law in 2008, but the state bureaucracy has repeatedly failed to develop workable implementation regulations. The problem isn’t the regulations — its the underlying law. The regulations would list about 1,200 chemicals on “concern lists” based largely on … [Read more...]

Green Chemistry Toxic to California Job Market

"Green Chemistry Regulations Poison California Jobs," by John Hrabe Four years ago Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law California’s controversial Green Chemistry regulations: AB 1879 by Assemblyman Mike Feuer, D-Los Angeles, and SB 509 by Senator Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto. He proclaimed that the state was adopting “the most comprehensive green chemistry program in the world.” The laws, which only took full effect this year, granted unelected chemical bureaucrats at the California … [Read more...]

California Green Chemistry Regulations

"Bureaucratic Green Chemistry," by Angela Logomasini. California bureaucrats recently released their proposed regulations implementing the state’s 2009-passed “green chemistry” law. The law supposedly will make life safer for California residents by ensuring that all products are designed to be “green.” But it is destined to fail — costing consumers without delivering benefits — because policymakers foolishly assume that bureaucrats are better situated than business to decide what makes a … [Read more...]

Proposition 65

“'The Right Chemistry' on what’s wrong with Prop 65," By American Council on Science and Health. We try not to think too much about California's Proposition 65, the 1986 law that purports to protect individuals from knowingly touching anything that may be theoretically associated with cancer or developmental problems. It just raises our blood pressure. However, we'd be remiss not to point our readers toward Dr. Joe Schwarz's excellent take on this misguided law (which has now expanded to cover … [Read more...]

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