Chemicals and Health in Perspective

Constant media news stories and alleged dangers associated with chemicals along with and activist hype has blurred reality about the importance of chemicals in human progress. Worldwide, the average human life span has increased from about 30 years at the beginning of the 20th century to more than 60 years today, and it continues to rise.(1) In the United States, life expectancy in 1900 was just 47 years, but today it has reached nearly 78 years according to one estimate (see chart). The freedom to develop and but to use thousands of man-made chemicals has played a crucial role in that progress by making possible such things as pharmaceuticals, safe drinking water, and pest control.

Yet the public perception is that man-made chemicals are the source of every possible ill, from cancer to ozone depletion and from infertility to brain damage. Ignoring that nature produces far more chemicals at far higher doses and that most chemicals are innocuous at low doses, activists capitalize on those fears. They scare the public by hyping the risks to ensure that the government passes volumes of laws and regulations focused on eliminating chemicals without much regard for the tradeoffs.

Advocates of such limits want the government to make sure every chemical is safe before exposing the public. In his 2000 book Pandora’s Poison, Greenpeace’s Joe Thornton calls on society to follow the “precautionary principle,” which says “we should avoid practices that have the potential to cause severe damage, even in the absence of scientific proof of harm (page 10).” We should shift the burden of proof, he continues. Those individuals or firms introducing new chemicals must prove the chemicals are safe before introducing them into commerce, and those chemicals already in commerce which fail to meet this standard “should be phased out in favor of safer alternatives.”

The problem is that no one can ever prove that anything is 100 percent safe. Not surprisingly, Thornton also advocates a “zero discharge” policy, which calls for the elimination of all bioaccumulative chemicals. In particular, he has long called for the elimination of chlorine. Science magazine quotes him as noting: “There are no known uses for chlorine which we regard as safe.”(2) Perhaps in recognition that this standard is politically untenable, he suggested in Pandora’s Poison (p. 14) that chlorine use be continued for “some pharmaceuticals” and some “water disinfection,” but only until other options become available.

The Dangers of Precaution

But before we call for zero discharge of anything, we should think about what that means. Like anything, chemicals may create new risks, but they have been used to eliminate others—many of which wreaked havoc on civilization for centuries. As the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Fred Smith notes, “Experience demonstrates that the risks of innovation, while real, are vastly less than risks of stagnation.” Indeed, he asks, what would the world be like if medical researchers had never introduced penicillin because they could not prove it was 100 percent safe?

Chemicals Transform Our Everyday Lives

Although we don’t think much about them, man-made chemicals are essential to almost everything we do. They make our cars run; they clean everything from our teeth to our dishes; they reduce illness by disinfecting bathrooms at home and operating rooms in hospitals; they are used on food products, such as poultry, to eliminate E. coli and other deadly pathogens; and they keep our computers, television sets, and other electronic products running. Consider just a few of the critical functions they perform in making our lives better:

At question should not be whether firms use chemicals, but whether they use chemicals responsibly and what is gained in return. Firms can reduce chlorine in attempts to appease environmentalists, but are we willing to drink water swimming with microbial contaminants and give up lifesaving pharmaceuticals?


(1) Nicholas Eberstadt, “World Population Prospects for the Twenty-First Century: The Specter of ‘Depopulation’?” in Earth Report 2000, ed. Ronald Bailey (New York: McGraw Hill, 2000), 65.

(2) Ivan Amato, “The Crusade against Chlorine,” Science 261, no. 5118 (1993): 153.

(3) J. Michael LaNier, “Historical Development of Municipal Water Systems in the United States, 1776–1976,” Journal of the American Water Works Association 68, no. 4 (1976): 177.

(4) Rochelle P. Walensky, et al., “The Survival Benefits of AIDS Treatment in the United States,” Journal of Infectious Diseases 194, no. 1 (July 1, 2006): 11–19.

(5) Dennis Avery, “Saving the Planet with Pesticides,” in The True State of the Planet, ed. Ronald Bailey (New York: Free Press, 1995), 52–54.

(6) Ibid.

(7) Ibid.


Last updated: February 6, 2012. The original text for this article was drawn from Angela Logomasini, “Chemical Risk Overview,” in Environmental Source, eds., Angela Logomasini Ph.D. and David Riggs, Ph.D., published by Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2002 (1st ed.), 2008 (2nd ed).