Organic Farming and Honeybees

“Organic Farming Kills Bees? Study Fails to Show This,” By Josh Bloom.
We constantly debunk bad studies that are anti-chemical, anti-GMO, pro-organic, etc. Why? Because they are either poorly done, and/or they’re complete garbage. This time, there’s a study which apparently condemns organic farming, which — despite the fictitious concept and name — isn’t what it seems to be. Chemicals are used in organic farming, just different ones than are used in conventional farming. But fair is fair, so when a cautionary “anti-organic” farming paper that is full of flaws comes out, it’s fair game. (Good luck using “fair” more times in one sentence. One just did. A paper entitled “Acute Toxicity and Sublethal Effects of Botanical Insecticides to Honey Bees” was just published in the Journal of Insect Science. Read more.