Prop65: Trial Lawyers’ Get Rich Scheme

news_views_icon“California Issues Another Gift to Trial Lawyers and Blow to Small Businesses,” by Center for Accountability in
We’ve talked extensively on our blog about the problems with California’s chemical warning law known as Proposition 65. It requires warning labels on everything from coffee to sunglasses without offering consumers any context about the actual risk of chemical exposure. Instead of helping Californians make healthier choices, the law has been used as a tool for bounty hunters to extort six-figure settlements from small businesses. Under a new change issued by California this week, Proposition 65 lawsuits could become even easier to file.  The California agency in charge of Proposition 65 regulations, OEHHA, issued a new regulation on Monday creating a dedicated Proposition 65 website for consumers. The website will feature information explaining which chemicals are included in consumer products and methods of common exposure. Information will be pulled from OEHHA, interested third parties (like environmental activist groups), and manufacturers. Read more.

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